If on a mobile device, be sure to pinch ‘n’ zoom to find a unit. Tap on the available unit you want to rent it.
Click or tap on the available unit you want to rent it.
Find your unit by an available size list instead of a map. If a unit is available, it will show available on the unit selection when you add a unit to your cart after you click only your desired size.
Note: While we understand that online payment methods may occasionally present challenges, we want to remind our valued customers that ensuring timely payments remains essential. If you encounter any technical issues with our online payment system, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Alternatively, for your convenience, you have the option to mail a check or drop it off in our secure drop box at Mini Storage of Gladewater location.
We greatly appreciate your commitment to meeting your payment obligations, and we’re here to help you navigate any payment-related concerns to ensure a seamless experience.